Faculty of Informatics and Data Science,
University of Regensburg, 93053 Regensburg, Germany
Email: pw384 # hotmail # com
CV: [Here] (Last update: 04/10/2024 dd/mm/yyyy)
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I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Informatics and Data Science, University of Regensburg, working in the Algorithms and Complexity Theory group (Lehrstuhl) led by Radu Curticapean. Prior to this, I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA) at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh. I obtained a PhD degree at the same university under the supervision of Heng Guo. Even earlier, I got a Bachelor of Science (summa cum laude) at Peking University and was a member of PKU’s Turing Class. Previous experience could be found in the CV provided above.
My research interest lies in several topics in theoretical computer science. To be more precise, I enjoy problems with inspiring combinatorial structures and/or surprising computational hardness. That includes (randomised) algorithms and complexity of approximate counting, and extremal/probabilistic combinatorics.
The focus of my recent research is different aspects of approximate counting problems beyond (in)tractability, such as random structures, derandomisation, fine-grained perspective, parameterised counting, applications to other fields, and so on.
Please view this page for a list of research outputs.
Tools: Useful inequalities || mathcha
Job hunting: TCS Jobs || Math Jobs || DMANET
OA books / notes: UW CSE599 || MIT 18.225 || Levin-Peres || Arora-Barak || Friedli-Velenik
Good TCS websites: Complexity Zoo || Property Testing Review || FPT Wiki
Miscellaneous: Encyclopaedia Metallum